- Crew
- Performer
- Rigger
Marco first worked with NoFit State on Immortal in Bute Park, rediscovering his childhood love of somersaulting after 15 years when attending community circus sessions in Splott. He worked as build crew as well as performing, then was spotted by Ali at a clown workshop and invited to perform in the first Immortal tour. Marco’s years of experience as stage crew made him a key figure in the crew as well as performing, and he stayed with the company for eleven years. He performed in all the tours of Immortal and Tabu, was Head Rigger for the creation and theatre tour of Mundo Paralelo, continued through Labyrinth at Eden, the new creation of Bianco at Eden and the first two years of Bianco touring in the silver tent, whilst rearing his two sons Elvis and Sylvester. He was easily recognised as the stately looking gentleman on the Penny Farthing and for finding moments in the show to slip in some Eccentric Dance.